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Transformational Coaching Services

Trauma-informed coaching is an approach to coaching that takes into account the potential impact of trauma on an individual's life and strives to establish a safe and supportive environment for clients who have experienced trauma. The primary objective of trauma-informed coaching is to assist clients in healing and developing resilience while respecting their individual experiences and perspectives. 

"Trauma-informed coaches have training in client regulation, brain-body connection, behavioral reaction, different types of traumas, leading causes, and subsequent symptoms. They have learned the proper channels for referral and the growing relationship between clinical professionals, therapists, and coaches."

Trauma-informed coaching explained by Brad Hardie 2023, MCC, TICC, MPNLP, CTP, Master Certified Coach, Director of Education, IFC Mentor Coach, Co-Founder of Moving the Human Spirit  

Life Perspective

Life's journey includes accomplishments and challenges. For some, we have become broken, weakened, or stagnated by disappointment, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a dream, a belief, or hope. And for others, we may face storms that are so tragic that we can never imagine it possible to overcome them, but something in us prevails (resiliency). In all cases, we are never the same. Life is not a single journey, and I will join you as your Coach! 

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Family Dispute
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Marriages & Relationships Transitions

  • New Marriages/ New Relationships

  • ​Recovery from Infidelity

  • Separation 

  • Divorce

  • End of the relationship due to infidelity or divorce



Clients will have learned methods to help ‘regulate’ the nervous system, discard shame and guilt through powerful questions, and recognize and promote wellness as it starts to develop.

Family Transitions

Some transitions are predictable and planned and are most likely to happen to everybody. Parents become empty nesters, experiencing feelings of loss when children leave home. This relates to the term EMPTY NEST SYNDROME which is "a feeling of deep grief and loneliness after their children leave home."

SECOND-GENERATION PARENTING, grandparents raising their grandchildren with or without the biological parent being present or responsible for meeting their basic needs. Grandparents need support to parent differently to meet their grandchildren's emotional/social needs. 

Another stage of parenting is when adult children become the CAREGIVER of their older parents, who can no longer live alone or care for themselves. The adult child considers returning home to care for their parent, or the parent relocates to their child's home. 


Career Changes

Career changes: going from employment to retirement or from retirement to employment because of the cost of living. New challenges arise as people move into older age. These years were once considered a time for leisure and visiting with the grandchildren. Some older adults have experienced disappointments, regrets, and missed opportunities in recent years.   

Traumatic and Unpredictable Transitions

  • Abuse (in any form)

  • Laid off unexpectedly

  • Serious/Terminal Illness (of a child, self, or family members)

  • Serious car accident

  • Family crisis

  • Natural disaster

  • Death of a parent or child

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Emotional AND Psychological Trauma
Trauma can show up anywhere. What are some of the related signs that we may see or are familiar with?


Intrusive thoughts that present themselves when least expected Night Tremors, Night Terrors, Nightmares
Flashbacks or visual images of the event
Brain fog, loss of memory or unable to concentratee 

Feelings of being disoriented or Confused Extreme emotions or mood swings 


Dissociation and isolation or withdrawal from those around you Avoidance of places or activities that are reminders of the event Losing interest in the activities that once brought pleasure



Startle easily or feeling edgy Tachycardia (fast heart rate) 

Overwhelming exhaustion or fatigue 

Disruptions in eating or sleeping patterns 

Loss of sex drive or sexual dysfunction 

Aches and pains within the body


Obsessive and compulsive behaviors

Detachment from other people and emotions

Emotional numbing


Blame, Shame and Guilt – especially if one lived while others perished 

Emotional shock or disbelief

Irritability, Anger and Anxiety

Panic attacks

Life's Journey is symbolic of the Tree of Life metaphor. The tree represents resiliency, strong roots, damaged trunks, and branches, yet it stands against the elements. 

Life's transitions aren't all negative; they can be positive but still present adjusting challenges. We don't all go through divorces, career changes, or moving across the country, but we all go through transitions. 


A coach can walk with people through life transitions and other changes. Coaches help people get unstuck and overcome self-sabotaging habits. Coaches speak the truth firmly and respectfully. The coaching relationship will co-create hope and explore your desired change and the best ways to pursue what is most desired. With the Coach, you will honor the past and move forward to the future in a positive manner; the present moment is where the work truly begins.
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You agree and acknowledge that I am not providing health care, medical or nutritional therapy services, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease, or condition.

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